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  • Writer's pictureLilian Lee

menu's with no english.

Updated: Apr 14, 2019

Music by Omar Apollo - Erase

I had my first experience eating at a restaurant with no English on the menu AND having to sit by myself next to a complete stranger on Monday. When it comes to peak hours at restaurants, you're seated next to strangers so that they can serve as many customers as they can. Unlike in New Zealand, where you have to wait to sit at an empty table. It's awkward, but it's the norm for Hong Kongers. I went to Ma Sa Restaurant (孖沙茶餐廳), a Cha Chaan Teng (茶餐厅- classic Hong Kong cafe) that I read up on Sassy's Hong Kong, which was infamous for its three runny egg, Char Siu (bbq pork) on rice. The problem with this restaurant was the menu had no english. I didn't know what other food there was or how to say this dish in Cantonese so, the only solution was to show the waitress a picture on my phone. I still try to speak in cantonese whenever I can, and most people tend to speak to me in Cantonese, unless I converse in English first.

I ended up having the infamous, three runny egg, spam on rice, and when they say runny egg, it's pretty much raw egg. Normally you would get it with char siu, but I went after the lunch rush, so all of it was gone. You had the option to get either spam or roast pork but the lady suggested spam so I went with it. I also got a classic cold milk tea and all of that was only $44HKD ($8-9 NZD). I've got to be honest, I actually loved it! I love a good yolky egg, that also doubles as a sauce with the dark soy sauce to mix with the rice and the spam. I also don't mind spam, as I sometimes, rarely, but occasionally, eat it at home when my parents can't be bothered cooking meat. It actually reminded me of my dad's home cooking and made me miss home for a bit. The whole thing was very filling, I didn't eat dinner when I got back home. I'd give it a rating of 8/10 and would definitely go back to try their tofu dish (豆腐火腩飯). It was a fun experience and honestly such a classic dish and would be fun to see what the HK 5 think of it!

After a rush to get the big project done of designing a meet and greet presentation deck for a client last week and getting good feedback, it was somewhat of a chill week. I still had to refine the big project, as after the meeting with the client, they wanted some changes. I had to move some of the typography, and find new images for certain pages as well as take my own images of one of their projects they have done. I am now back to square one, doing the first project I was assigned to the first day I arrived at the job: making the portfolio presentations for work that were due the first two weeks I started hahah. But due being assigned to other projects that have priority, this ended up being pushed to the side. Still not really making progress with the portfolio, I got assigned to other projects, like making the collateral for a business, which included a business card, letterhead and envelope. On Thursday, I went on a work excursion, to the Tai Kwun Center of Heritage & Art to take images for one of my projects. What's really interesting about this place is that it used to be a Prison and is now revitalised as a historic museum. I didn't get to see much of it as I just took images and left, but will definitely be going back one weekend to check it out!

On Friday night, we went out with an intern we met on our first week at a bar, for dinner. We went to an Italian restaurant and met new people. We also went to a bar called Ophelia, which is really interesting. The interior design was amazing, it was like you entered a different world. The entertainment, was weird. People lying on couches attached to the wall and people just sitting on swings and a big nest doing nothing.

I can't believe it's already been a month since we've left New Zealand for this internship. It hasn't gone by fast, but, it doesn't seem like it has been that long either.

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